Friday, 10 June 2011

HexBright is an open source light


If you’ve always wanted to program your own torch lights, the folks behind HexBright have got the device of your dreams. Called the HexBright, it will come in two models ? the regular HexBright Prime that functions as a regular torch light, and the HexBright Flex that gives you the option to program the device.

Now you must be thinking ? why in the world would I want a programmable light, and what am I supposed to do with it? Well, that’s the beauty of the open source project ? even the creators of HexBright don’t know what people will do with it. What they do know is that people do want the ability to program a torch light to do whatever they want (whatever it is), and they’ve launched a Kickstarter page for the special torch lights.

HexBright is an open source light, By Ubergizmo. Top Stories : Samsung Infuse 4G Review, Dell Streak 7 Review,


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